June 13, 2021 3 min čitanja

Creating Valuable Insights for the Organisation

The field of human resources has changed markedly over the recent years.


Lučka Žunič, Marketing Assistant

HR Analytics


Not only has it transformed from an operational discipline to a more strategic one, but it has also become more reliant on technology. The data-driven approach that characterizes HR analytics is in line with this development.

HR departments tend to collect a vast amount of data, which unfortunately often remains unused. However, to be able to make data-driven decisions, one needs to combine different data and analyze it in detail. That’s where the HR analytics tool comes in handy. It helps organizations to analyze human capital and make informed decisions by using past experience as a base to optimize existing HR processes.

We can say that sophisticated analytics took HR leaders’ work to a new level. Managers don’t have to rely on their intuition when evaluating the efficiency of HR processes but can now see all work results reflected in numbers. By using data analytics tools they can easily track down each candidate’s employee journey or see how many people are involved in the hiring process. They can as well review the funnel of job application status, monitor leaves and absences of the team, get informed of training time and expenses by departments, and much more.

With all of the available data, organizations can address specific challenges that the HR department is facing. To put this into perspective – leaders can, for example, answer questions about sudden increases in the number of employees who quit their job after two years of joining the team. Or they can explain why the quality of received job applications has fallen in the last few months. It is extremely important for organizations to understand these changes because it can help improve employee experience and the overall business value of the company.

Creating valuable insights for the organization and being able to use data in decision-making has become even more important throughout the last year. While society is moving towards a post-pandemic world, significant changes are happening in the world of work, from increased use of digital technology to hybrid work models. It is crucial to make correct decisions in this era of uncertainty if we want to successfully navigate the new reality.

The influence data holds over HR processes is enormous. Turning data into a strategy can help companies not only save money but also free up time for other tasks and let HR professionals focus on the human aspect of human resources. Talking about the benefits of HR analytics, there are a few more:

  • Automated reports. Since HR departments have to manage such a large amount of data, automating the process of creating reports is of great importance. This ensures that HR professionals don’t have to deal with manual calculations and can save countless working hours.
  • Visualized data. That’s what makes HR analytics even more fun! You can finally say goodbye to spreadsheets and calculating numbers. As a HR professional, you probably want to work more with people and less with data. And that’s why doughnut charts and other colorful graphs work in your favor.
  • Data at hand. By placing reports on your dashboard you can easily access all of the important data at any time.

For the purpose of becoming more data-driven, HR professionals don’t have to possess any analytical or technical knowledge. With Gecko, gaining insightful information about your organization and employees can be as easy as drag and drop. Watch the video below to find out how creating reports can become one of your favorite tasks!

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