
Pronađi svoj savršeni plan.


Sadrži funkcije potrebne da organizuješ svoje HR podatke, pokrećeš osnovne HR procese i meriš učinak zaposlenih.

Ključne funkcije:

  • Centri za zaposlene i menadžere
  • Upravljanje radnom snagom
  • Upravljanje dokumentima
  • Upravljanje odsustvima
  • Upravljanje učinkom


Dodatne funkcije i automatizacije za efikasniji HR i strateški pristup razvoju zaposlenih.

Sve iz Starer i:

  • Radne liste
  • Regrutacija
  • Onboarding i Offboarding
  • Elektronski potpisi
  • SSO i kalendarske integracije


Podigni iskustvo zaposlenih na novi nivo kroz napredne automatizacije, prilagođene funkcije i integracije.

Sve iz Pro i:

  • Upravljanje imovinom
  • Upravljanje obukama
  • Višekompanijske organizacije
  • Napredne bezbednosne kontrole
  • Namenske integracije

Uporedite sve Gecko pakete

Proširi sve
Zatvori sve



icon _ workforce admin Workforce Administration

Employee Administration

Complete employee 360° review in one place, including personal data, job information, absences, training, documents, consents, and more.

Organisational Management

Manage job positions, department structures, and org charts, with support for multi-organizational structures.

Document Management

Access all documents in one place, create new documents using templates, and review template history.

Health and Safety

Create and manage health examination referrals—specific to Slovenia.

Employee and Organisational Reports and Dashboards

Build custom reports and dashboards, schedule them to run automatically, and export them to Excel. Each module includes predefined reports.

Electronic Signature

Generate documents for e-signing, send them, and receive them back—all within Gecko.

icon _ Absence and Leave Leave Management

Annual Leave Calculation

Automatically calculate payroll for the entire company and easily notify employees of changes that must be applied.

Absence Workflows and Approvals

Manage vacation, other, and sick leave with different approval workflows if needed and support multi-country calendars and calculations.

Timesheets (Payroll)

View absences, add overtime, approve timesheets, and export data to CSV easily.

icon _ performance management Performance

Performance Cycle Management

Generate progress goals, competencies, development workflows, and approvals in bulk and easily track their progress.

Create your Own Models

Automatically pre-populate performance goals, competencies, and meetings based on the employee, department, job position, or specific group they belong to.


Manage templates and collect feedback from all relevant team members.

Bonus Calculations

Customize based on your needs, whether using KPIs, goals, or competencies.

Performance Reports & Dashboards

Create your reports and dashboards, or use the predefined ones.

icon _ Surveys Employee Experience

Create Your Own Surveys

Manage your surveys—Gecko already comes with onboarding/offboarding and training surveys. Create your own and send them out to all employees. Choose from different types of questions like multiple choice, Yes/No, and text answers, and create custom scales for responses.


Manage templates and collect feedback from all relevant team members.

Company News

Keep your employees updated with the latest news, announcements, and a document depository.

Company Branding

Add your banners for desktop and mobile version.

myteam Employee Hub

Employee Directory & Org Chart

View data from different perspectives, including by person hierarchy, department, or department with job positions and employees. All business contact information is available to all employees.

Employee Homepage

Access everything an employee needs on one page, from submitting requests to viewing tasks and getting the latest news or announcements. Check your calendar to see all events related to you in Gecko, such as absences, training, and meetings.

Birthdays & New Colleagues

See new colleagues and birthdays, and receive a birthday greeting on your special day.

Employee Requests

Make requests to manage personal details like address, family members, name, and external training.

My Feed

Find all assignments dedicated to you in one place, from approving vacations to filling out the performance plan.

Mobile App

Access all features available to employees and managers on the mobile app.

icon _ Manager Hub Manager Hub

My Team Board

Get a complete overview of all your direct and indirect reports.

My Team Reports & Dashboards

Access performance, training, and employee reports and dashboards from one place.

My Team Events

View all upcoming training sessions, meetings, and vacations for your team.

My Team Performance

See your team’s progress in goals, competence strengths, development plans, and overall performance.

Manager Requests

Submit salary increases, department transfers, and any other custom requests you want your managers to handle.

icon _ Recruitment Recruiting

Job Opening

Start the process by submitting a request, editing it, and publishing it automatically to your website.

Branded Job Application Web Form

Add or remove attributes, and adjust fonts, colors, and font size.

Applicant Record

Use predefined recruiting workflows and approvals, email communication with applicants via templates, and automatic CV display. Use chatter to communicate within the hiring team and generate job offers.

Applicant Database

Search for candidates and send bulk email rejection notifications.

Recruiting Reports & Dashboards

Create your reports and dashboards, or use the predefined ones.

icon _ onboarding and off Onboarding & Offboarding

Onboarding Plans

Includes predefined checklists, goals and development plans, asset assignments, a predefined number of check-ins, and workflows.

Offboarding Plans

Includes predefined checklists, exit interview questions, knowledge transfers, and workflows that automatically populate all the assets that need to be returned.

On/Offboarding Surveys

Create your survey or use the ones already available for onboarding and offboarding.

On/Offboading Reports & Dashboards

Create your own reports and dashboards or use the predefined ones.

icon _ Reporting Assets

Asset Assignments

View all assets assigned to the employee from their profile, including a complete audit trail of when they were assigned and when the employee returned them.

Asset Inventory Management

Get an overview of all assets, the number of assets assigned, and how many are still available.

Assets in Onboarding & Offboading

Automatically add assets to the plan for both onboarding and offboarding.

Asset Reports & Dashboards

Create your reports and dashboards, or use the predefined ones.

icon _ training admin Training Administration

Training Catalogue

Track all internal and external training and periodically add descriptions and types of registrations (employee, manager, or admin only).

Employee Training Requests

Employees can submit requests for external training, conferences, or workshops.


Add employees in bulk to specific training, or open a registration where employees can sign up themselves or have managers register their team members.

Satisfaction Surveys

Automatically send surveys after the training, manage surveys, and display results for each training.

Training Reports & Dashboards

Create your reports and dashboards, or use the predefined ones.

icon _ Reporting Travel Management

Travel Requests

Submit a travel request, follow the approval process, and track costs. Automatically calculate per-diem, private mileage, and billing and determine the reimbursement amount for the employee. Travel management is covered for specific regions.

Daily Allowance Calculations

Automatically calculate the employee’s per-diem based on the country they are traveling to.

Exchange Rates Integration

Integrated with the national bank for Slovenia, Croatia, and Serbia, and automatically converts costs into the local currency.

icon _ Integrations Platform and Other Features


Single Sign-On Configuration.


Integrate with Google and Microsoft Office 365 calendars to send absence requests, meetings, or training invites.

Integration with Government Institutions

Region-specific features like eVem or eBol.


Supported by DocuSign, Adobe Acrobat Sign, and BetrSign, with the complete process triggered in Gecko. Signed documents automatically return to Gecko.

Time&Attendance (AllHours)

Easily configure employee data and absences to be sent to Špica All Hours.

Gecko Open API

Integrate with any other system.

Integration with Recruiting page

Use the easy plug-in for your website to post job openings and application forms.

Customize at Any Level

Add fields, customize workflows and approvals, implement custom access controls, create custom reports and dashboards, develop custom apps, and create custom integrations.

Multi Country Calendars

Add holidays for different countries.

Data Access Separation

Set up a multi-organization structure in which administrators from one country see only their own employees, while superusers can access top management to see all employees.

Multi Company

Manage workforce administration and company workflows.

Multi Level Security

Use prebuilt security profiles, GDPR compliance, multi-factor authentication, and audit trail & field history tracking.

Gecko Security Shield

Enhance security with advanced encryption at Rest (additional cost) and event monitoring.

Additional Testing Environment

Access up to 25 additional sandboxes to change processes, add new fields, and create your applications.

Standard Customer Success - Email

Friendly customer success is always ready to help.

Learning Hub

Access content to assist you with using Gecko.

Uspešne priče

Pogledajte šta kažu naši korisnici

Uz pomoć Gecka donosimo informirane odluke

“Suradnja s GECKO-m radi digitalizacije upravljanja ljudskim resursima transformirala je naše poslovanje. Gecko pruža rješenja po mjeri klijenta, uključujući prilagođene funkcije i analitiku uz koju dobivamo korisne uvide. Otkad upotrebljavamo Gecko kao informacijski sustav za upravljanje ljudskim resursima, imamo sve potrebno da donosimo kvalitetne odluke. Uz njega naši su zadaci pojednostavljeni, a učinkovitost povećana.”

Ključan alat za naš HR

“Otkad smo uveli Gecko, transformirali smo upravljanje ljudskim resursima iz ručne, spore operacije u centralizirani, automatizirani sustav kojim smo unaprijedili podršku zaposlenicima i njihov razvoj. Gecko nam je omogućio da se fokusiramo na strateške HR inicijative i naš najvažniji resurs: naše ljude.”

Pojednostavljuje zadatke za cijeli tim

“Gecko HRM daje nam sve potrebno za naše poslovanje kako bismo se kontinuirano razvijali, bili fleksibilni i pružali vrhunsku podršku zaposlenicima. Gecko HRM smo prilagodili i nadogradili prema svojim potrebama i kontinuirano automatiziramo mnoge interne procese.”

Besplatne konzultacije

Pronađimo pravi paket za vas!

Spremni ste vidjeti kako vaša organizacija može napredovati uz Gecko? Kontaktirajte nas kako bismo razgovarali o vašim potrebama i vidjeli kako vam Gecko može pomoći u postizanju harmonije u ljudskim resursima.
