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Kako najpametneje uporabljati Gecko HRM?

V kratkih videih in besedilih.

implementation block picture

Kadrovska administracija

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learning hub – workforce admin_web


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learning hub – recruiting_web

Uvajanje in izhodni postopki

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learning hub – onboarding and off_web

Ocenjevanje uspešnosti

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learning hub – performance management_web

"Moj tim" - Portal za vodje

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learning hub – manager hub_web

Reporti in nadzorne plošče

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learning hub – Reporting and Analysis_web

Domača stran za zaposlene (Homeboard)

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learning hub – Employee Hub_web

Pogosta vprašanja

Kako začeti z uporabo Gecko rešitve?

Dodelili vam bomo projektnega vodjo, ki vas bo vodil skozi fazo implementacije. Od načrtovanja, nemotenega uvoza podatkov do usposabljanja. Naša ekipa poskrbi za gladek prehod na novo rešitev in vas podpira pri vsakem koraku.

Katere kadrovske procese podpira Gecko?

Gecko je celovita kadrovska rešitev, ki zaposlene vodi skozi vse procese. Od zaposlovanja in uvajanja do ocenjevanja uspešnosti in izhodnega postopka. Poskrbi, da so zaposleni dobro informirani in poznajo cilje podjetja, hkrati pa nemoteno upravljano z njihovimi podatki.

Kateri jeziki so podprti v Gecko rešitvi?

Gecko trenutno podpira angleščino, slovenščino, srbščino in hrvaščino, vendar se ne skrbite, če potrebujete drug jezik, saj je Gecko enostavno prevesti in prilagoditi vašim potrebam.

Lahko Gecko integriramo z ostalimi sistemi?

Gecko omogoča integracijo z Google in Outlook koledarji v osnovnem paketu. Integracije z drugimi sistemi so na voljo preko “Premium Add-On” funkcionalnosti. Za več informacij nas kontaktirajte.

Ponuja Gecko tudi funkcionalnosti za obračun plač?

Gecko ne vključuje teh funkcionalnosti. Hitro in enostavno lahko integriramo specializirano programsko opremo za obračun plač, da zagotovimo optimalno delovanje in skladnost, obenem pa ohranjamo jasno ločevanje dolžnosti. S pomočjo integracije lahko zaposleni prejmejo plačilne liste, do katerih dostopajo znotraj sistema, kar omogoča enostaven dostop do vseh podatkov o plačah. Ta pristop ponuja najboljšo kombinacijo funkcionalnosti, učinkovitosti in skladnosti za vaše kadrovske operacije.

What roles can use Gecko?

Gecko offers a range of roles tailored to different HR functions. Employees access HR features relevant to their employment, while HR Administrators oversee data management, onboarding/offboarding, performance and compliance. Managers handle team performance and development. Additionally, process-specific roles include Recruiting Administrators for recruitment processes, Training Administrators for training initiatives, Asset Administrators for managing employee assets. Together, these roles ensure efficient HR operations across the entire employee lifecycle. These roles can be seamlessly combined to suit business requirements, ensuring dynamic adaptability across the company.

Does Gecko support multiple organisations?

Yes, Gecko supports multiple organizations, enabling the management of completely separate entities within one system. This feature empowers businesses to manage distinct entities separately or combine them as needed, offering unparalleled flexibility to adapt to evolving organizational structures and requirements.

How do you create organisational structure in Gecko?

The organizational structure in Gecko is based on the department hierarchy and managerial relationships between employees.

What kind of reports can you create in Gecko?

Gecko offers a wide range of reporting capabilities, allowing users to create various types of reports including tabular reports, summary reports, matrix reports, and joined reports. These reports can be customized to visualize data in different formats and are instrumental in gaining insights into HR, Performance, and other processes.

Can you export reports?

Of course, Gecko allows users to export reports in various formats such as Excel and CSV providing flexibility in sharing and analyzing data.

How can I set reminders for recurring events or contracts that expire?

Some notifications come out-of-the-box with Gecko, such as reminders to complete certain process steps by deadlines. Additionally, administrators can subscribe to various reports in Gecko to receive summaries, including reminders about contract expirations. These features ensure timely awareness of important events and deadlines within the system.

Can you do surveys in Gecko?

Yes, Gecko Surveys enables the creation and distribution of stand-alone surveys. This means you can send ad-hoc surveys directly to your employees. Additionally, Gecko Surveys seamlessly integrates with other modules such as Onboarding, Offboarding, or Training Administration, where surveys are seamlessly incorporated into the workflow.

How long does it take to implement Gecko?

The implementation timeline for Gecko varies depending on the selected modules and the extent of customization required. A specific estimate is provided in the offer, taking into account the unique needs and requirements of each organization.

Can you post jobs directly from Gecko?

Job ads can be posted directly from our Gecko Recruitment Module to your company website via an iframe provided by Gecko. 

How does Gecko ensure the security and privacy of your data?

Built on the industry’s most trusted infrastructure with EU-based cloud co-locations, Gecko keeps your data safe and accessible. Some of the biggest global financial institutions and other organisations from regulated industries prefer SalesForce.

Is Gecko mobile-friendly for on-the-go access?

All features of Gecko HRM are available in the native HR mobile application. Both employees and managers can read company news, view their data, assignments and submit and approve requests.

What kind of technical support and training does Gecko offer to its clients?

As part of the Gecko User Subscription, we ensure that clients receive ongoing assistance tailored to their needs. This support encompasses various aspects, including guidance on how to effectively utilize Gecko’s features and functionalities, as well as assistance with more complex tasks such as creating reports. Our dedicated support team is committed to providing prompt and reliable assistance, empowering clients to maximize the benefits of Gecko HR and address any challenges they may encounter along the way.

How often is Gecko updated, and how are these updates managed?

Gecko HR Application, as part of Salesforce, undergoes regular upgrades, three times a year. These upgrades ensure that our platform remains at the forefront of innovation and functionality. With each update, users can expect new features, enhanced performance, and improved usability, keeping them ahead in HR management. This commitment to frequent upgrades reflects our dedication to providing the best possible experience for our clients, empowering them with the latest tools and technologies to streamline their HR processes.

How does Gecko help in ensuring compliance with local labor laws and regulations?

Gecko supports local legislation for Slovenia, Croatia, and Serbia. However, our application’s flexibility extends beyond these borders, allowing for seamless customization to accommodate the unique legislative frameworks of other countries as the need arises. This adaptability empowers organisations to confidently navigate diverse regulatory environments and expand their operations globally with ease.