February 22, 2016 2 min read

How Salesforce Cloud Helps Us Enforce High Security Standards

Security in the Cloud is still a top concern when implementing a cloud based solution, especially when it comes to HR Applications. Gecko HRM is hosted in the Salesforce cloud and enjoys the benefits as one of the most secure cloud solutions today.

Gecko HRM


Application level – the Salesforce application platform allows for Gecko HRM to have multiple application access controls. With user profiles you can restrict login times, login IPs, pages, records even which field a user can see and more. Single sign on is supported as well.

Data Center have 24-hour manned security and video surveillance, biometric scanning for access, dedicated concrete walls, computing equipment is in access controlled steel cages, tracking of asset removal, humidity and temperature control, power backup systems, fire detection and suppression and much more…

Gecko HRM Cloud Security

Secure Sessions and data transmission are via TLS cryptographic protocols, using global step-up certificates, ensuring that the users have a secure connection from their browsers to our service. Network protection with perimeter firewalls and edge routers to block unused protocols, internal firewalls segregate traffic between the application and database tiers as well as intrusion detection sensors throughout the internal network, reporting events to a security event management system for logging, alerts, and reports. Finally, a third party provider continuously scans the network externally and alerts for changes in the baseline configuration.

Disaster Recovery performs real-time replication to disk at each data center, and near real-time data replication between the production data center and the disaster recovery center. All data is transmitted across encrypted links.

Internal and Third-party testing and assessments are performed before each new release and regular scans the networks for system vulnerabilities.

The key to Salesforce success is the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of your data. Security is the top priority for Salesforce Cloud, after all their livelihood depends on it.

To learn more about Salesforce security visit Salesforce Trust.

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