April 5, 2023 6 min read

What Matters When Going Digital in HR?

Ready to bid farewell to paperwork and embrace the digital age of HR? Look no further! By the end of this post, you'll have all the best practices and information to confidently lead your team into a brighter, more efficient way of working, leaving all the doubts and fears behind.

Iva Krajnc

Iva Krajnc, Gecko Product Manager

HR Strategy

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We asked Iva Krajnc, Gecko Product Manager, who successfully led numerous projects to the finish lines, how to tackle this challenge.

But before you jump into the digital realm, it’s essential to know what to consider when choosing a solution and who should be involved. We’ll also share some real-life examples of successful digitisation projects and the challenges that come along the way. And once you have a solution in place, we’ll show you how to impress your colleagues with its benefits. Let’s get digital!

Solutions that Click: Identify your goals!

Before you trade paperwork for a digital HR solution, take a minute to assess your current and future challenges. Consider your organisation’s digital maturity and where you want to be in the future. To ensure success, align the goals and values of your employees with those of your organisation.

  1. Consider where your organisation is today and where you want to be tomorrow.
  2. Determine your purpose, goals, and priorities, and find ways to connect this initiative with other projects in the company.
  3. Ask yourself how technology can help you achieve your vision and what role it should play in this picture.

Before diving into a digital HR solution, identify what you want to achieve and how it fits into your overall organizational strategy.

So, who should be involved in your digital transformation? With the right people on board, bringing your project to a successful end will be much easier. Including all relevant stakeholders, such as managers, the IT department, and other key members who can contribute their expertise.

What is crucial to keep in mind when implementing the HR solution?

“Based on my experience of implementing various projects for both multinational corporations with up to 100,000 users and smaller clients, three notable things always stood out when we successfully concluded the implementation:

  • A partnership between the Implementation team, HR and IT is vital.
  • Data quality is essential, too – remember, “garbage in, garbage out.”
  • “Keep it simple” plays a huge role in the project’s success.”

 Iva Krajnc, Gecko Product Manager

1. A partnership between implementation team, HR and IT is vital

Implementing a new HR system requires collaboration between the implementation team, the IT department, and HR. It’s not simply a matter of hiring an outside company to build a tool.

The implementation team is well-versed in the technology, while the HR team possesses knowledge of the company’s culture and content, as well as a clear vision for the project down to the smallest details. Meanwhile, the IT department knows how to integrate new solutions into the existing IT infrastructure.

“Each group brings unique expertise to the table, and when they work together, the implementation is more likely to reach the finish line without major delays and inconveniences. It is a pleasure to work on projects where all three groups are dedicated and invested in the project’s success.

– Iva Krajnc, Gecko Product Manager

2. Garbage In, Garbage Out

The goal of HR system implementation is to gather scattered data into one system and get the most important people-related questions answered with powerful analytics. But quality data is crucial for a good outcome here. Rushing data preparation most often leads to problems in the later stages of implementation.

One of the most common goals we hear from HR departments is to have a modern tool that offers answers to key people-related questions through powerful data analytics. With a modern HRM solution like Gecko, you can finally create a data-driven workforce strategy. Achieving this requires quality data at its core.

–  Iva Krajnc, Gecko Product Manager

3. Simplicity Wins

The most successful HR system implementation projects were those with a high threshold for implementing complex solutions. Many HR tools offer standard solutions that can be used as-is or customised, but it’s essential to consider the value of customising.

“In my experience, the best HR system implementation projects are those where the team actively works toward the goal of leaving as many processes as possible standard, prioritising simplicity, robustness, and ease of use. They focus their time and energy on complex customised decisions only when there is clear strategic value. This approach has consistently yielded the best solutions.”

– Iva Krajnc, Gecko Product Manager

From Implementation to Adoption: How to Successfully Introduce a New System to Your Organisation

Once you’ve chosen and successfully implemented an HR system in your organisation, the journey is far from over! Your implementation project is concluded when it is adopted by your team and they start to use it. According to Iva Krajnc, Gecko Product Manager, there are three key factors to keep in mind when tech is in place:

  • Go-live is actually the beginning of the project.
  • Keep the change curve in mind and respond appropriately.
  • Communicate clearly the benefits for your employees.

1. Go-Live is Not the End, But the Beginning

To make it effective, an implemented solution needs to be adopted by your team. So, inspire and educate. When your team sees the undeniable benefits and added value of using it regularly, they’ll be hooked, and your system will be a game-changer!

Simply having a user-friendly solution isn’t sufficient. To truly succeed in implementing a new system, you need to have a communication and education plan in place. That means getting all stakeholders on board and communicating the “why” behind the change. And don’t forget to enlist the help of your key players, including management, early adopters, and leaders, to ensure a smooth and successful adoption process. - Iva Krajnc, Gecko Product Manager

2. Keep the Change Curve in Mind and Respond Appropriately

Introducing a new system means shaking up the status quo, and that can be a challenge sometimes. It’s natural for people to have questions and doubts, and they may not love it at first. With the right approach, you can lead your team up the “Change Curve” and help them embrace the new way of working. Companies that are proactive in providing support, encouraging regular use, and cheering their team on are the ones that come out on top! (image)

What are the most effective ways to act and respond to the “Change Curve”?

“Involve everyone! That means scheduling sessions with your leaders and HR team to explain why the tool matters and how they can help get everyone onboard. Plus, make sure management regularly communicates about the tool and new ways of working. Finally, and most importantly, don’t forget to listen to feedback and show that you’re willing to make adjustments along the way.

– Iva Krajnc, Gecko Product Manager

3. What’s in it for Me?

Want to ensure your new tool is a hit in your organisation? It’s simple: focus on what they’ll get out of it! That means including this message in all your communications and explaining how the tool will benefit them.

“Companies that only focus on how to use the system may struggle with adoption, but those that answer the “why” and “what’s in it for me” questions will see success.”

– Iva Krajnc, Gecko Product Manager

Our main takeaways?

First, before diving into a digital HR solution, identify your goals and align them with your overall strategy. A partnership between HR and IT is crucial for successful implementation, along with data quality and keeping it simple. Finally, introducing a new system takes more than choosing the right solution – you need to inspire and educate your team.

Follow these tips for successful tech solution implementation. We are sure this way, your new HRM solution will become a valuable asset for your organisation.

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