How Gecko Benefits Employees and Team Leads
As a tech company in the global market and the world's leading provider of control systems, we were quite picky when looking for an HR application that would successfully support all our HR processes. We had very high expectations to support our complex business and organization.

The Salesforce technology and Agilcon‵s friendly and highly professional team already convinced us with CRM solutions, so we were happy to find a common path also in setting up our HRM system. Gecko HRM is a powerful HRM application with continuous development, great flexibility, and exemplary support.
Our main goal when implementing Gecko HRM was to make life easier for our employees and team leaders. Additionally, we wanted to provide a better tool to our HR department so they could focus more on their strategic role. We divided the implementation process into several phases to make implementation easier for our team to grasp and adapt to new technology.

In the first phase, we implemented Gecko HRM Core modules that supported our HR administration, onboarding, and offboarding. Our team leaders were happy to get access to the My Team Dashboard which enabled them to be as effective and productive as possible with all the information about their team at their fingertips. In the next phases, we will be adding advanced functionalities from Gecko HRM Talent modules, such as performance, training, and surveys.

In approximately four months since we set up the administrative part of the Gecko HRM application, we have managed more than 2.100 self-service entries from team leaders and employees and already see time savings and an increase in efficiency in our HR department. Our employees adopted the system very well as it is easy to use.
We are really happy with our decision to choose Gecko as our HRM application. It will cover the whole spectrum of tools and processes for our HR department and become an important management tool for Cosylab.
The right HR application will boost your business results. Want to know more about GECKO HRM?
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